Mobile Rock Climbing

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

We all know how popular rock climbing has become in the past decade, and here is a business that you can start based on a successful and proven theme. A mobile rock climbing wall that is mounted on a trailer and designed for fast assembly and dismantling can be used both for instruction and business promotion purposes. instruction: This aspect of the business is very straightforward. Market the rock climbing instruction classes to corporations, organizations, clubs, and schools who pay a flat hourly, half-day, or full-day fee, as opposed to a per person instruction fee. business promotion: The second aspect of the business is much more unique. Companies within the local community hire the mobile rock climbing wall and your instruction capabilities to promote their own business for sales events, grand openings, and special occasions. Imagine the advertisement, 'Climb to the top of the wall, ring the bell, and receive 25 percent off the retail price.' The possibilities are endless for this type of unique promotion service. requirements: You or an employee will have to be a certified rock-climbing instructor. Furthermore, you will also need the expertise to build your mobile rock-climbing wall. Liability insurance and safety equipment are an absolute must in order to run a mobile rock climbing business. start-up costs: A mobile rock-climbing business can easily be started for less than $30,000, including the cost of designing and building the rock climbing wall, safety equipment, and the trailer. profit potential: Once the business setup is completed, the monthly overheads are minimal and the business only requires one part-time employee. The following is a good example of the rates that can be charged for this service. All rental rates include instructor and assistant, the setup and dismantle time, as well as the use of the required climbing and safety equipment. • Hourly instruction and rental rate: $150 • Half-day instruction and rental rate: $350 • Full-day instruction and rental rate: $500 Providing the average sale is based on a half-day rate and you are booked 15 half days per month, the business would generate revenues in excess of $60,000 per year.

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